SIMone™ Birthing Simulator

South Africa has a high infant mortality rate and the “severe shortage of ‘highly trained paediatricians, advanced midwives and highly trained paediatric nurses’ (The Honourable Minster of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi’s quote The Times 19th April 2011).  In the same article, Dr Motsoaledi says that  “maternal and infant mortality rates ‘are so high that we can say they are starting to be out of control’ ”.  It is against this need that we proudly present the SIMone™ Birth Simulator , which represents a new era in birthing simulation and training.

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Some facts and details in brief:

The SIMone™ is a model of a female abdomen with a vulva and the ischial spines as landmarks. Inside the model there is a foetal head with a sagittal suture and fontanelles. The monitor above the model displays an exact image of the position and rotation of the foetal head within the maternal pelvis. Using the combination of the patented haptic response technology and the force feedback mechanism, a trainee is able to develop a realistic expectation of the feeling, force and processes during birth. The SIMone combines audio, visual and a hands-on approach to delivery thereby enabling the trainer to create interactive scenarios (such as the repositioning of the foetal head in relation to the mother’s abdomen), which are clearly displayed on the touch screen.

Prof Roland Zimmermann, clinic director at the Department of Obstetrics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland says “(Training) on the SIMone delivery training simulator, will enable all trainees, obstetricians and residents, to prepare for complications, obstetric emergencies and operative delivery techniques. The feeling and confidence that the trainees (acquire), having successfully handled a simulated situation, will enable them to respond quickly and appropriately to any real-life situation with a mother and foetus during labour.”

Furthermore, the CTG (cardiotocogram) and partogram, as well as documentation (history and findings) which support the assessment of the course of the delivery and the interventions, are displayed. The repositioning of the mother; the administration of medication and amniotomy are all interventions that may be used in order to achieve the necessary progress during the delivery.  All the measures taken by physicians and trainees during the ‘delivery’, can be reviewed afterwards, in order to determine their level of proficiency in carrying out the different procedures. The use of instruments and the application of the natural force to guide the baby along the curve of the pelvic axis together with the characteristic sounds of the breathing and pain of the mother, as well as the foetal heartbeat, make the situation very lifelike.

This high level of realism in training with SIMone™ is unique.  SIMone™ represents the complete clinical course including anamnesis, diagnosis and intervention.